We uncover the details about the upcoming Polish-Norwegian Film Festivals Cooperation!
30 August 2021
Preparations for an international co-operation project between Amandus BLIKKFANG and WAMA Film Festival of Olsztyn are well underway. Both events will offer a selection of industry workshops and networking opportunities.
An international project linking film festivals from Poland and Norway has been launched!
6 May 2021
In a moment we will get to know and explore the common cinematic ties between Poland and Norway, all thanks to the Polish-Norwegian Film Festivals Cooperation project.
Change of Dates of ViSTa Lab Academy
2 April 2021
We are sorry to inform that ViSTa Lab Academy will not be held on the previously planned date. The new date of the event will be announced soon.
The date of the next edition of ViSTa Lab Academy
26 February 2021
The next edition of ViSTa Lab Academy will be held on May 30 - June 6, 2021. ViSTa Lab Academy is an international script workshop during which participants, together with experienced experts, will develop their feature film projects and learn the secrets of film production.
Summary of ViSTa Lab workshops
12 April 2020
The main goal of ViSTa Lab Academy was the international exchange of experiences between young adepts of film art, in particular scriptwriters and directors.
Apply for the 6th edition of the KINOGRAPHE International Film Academy in France!
6 March 2020
Apply for the 6th edition of the KINOGRAPHE International Film Academy in France! Due to the state of the pandemic announced by the World Health Organization (WHO) in connection with the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus, the 6th edition of the KINOGRAPHE International Film Academy in Grenoble will not take place…
The coming decade on the VoD market – perspectives and opportunities for the film industry
15 December 2019
Thanks to the free INTERFILMLAB 3.0 publication, which is a synthesis of expert knowledge, you can read a comprehensive analysis of opportunities, threats, forecasts and conclusions regarding the situation on the VoD market.
Radom opens for film production
19 July 2019
Radom opens for film production Radom is full of interesting places with high film potential, which guests of the CAMERAL SUMMER had the opportunity to find out. National Summer Film Meetings KAMERALNE SUMMER in Radom are created not only for viewers, for whom the organizers are preparing more and more…
KINOGRAPHE 2018 – summary
16 July 2018
Between 20-27 May 2018 in Grenoble took place international film workshops Kinographe International Film Academy. Watch films created by participants!