SCRIPTMARKET.PRO: Call for Applications is Now Open!
28 May 2024
From 24 May 2024, you can submit applications for the SCRIPTMARKET.PRO - international programme enabling networking for young members of the film industry. Come to Radom to meet emerging filmmakers from Malta, France and Norway this summer!
Watch Short Films Made by Participants of PFG: Youth Postcards From Grenoble
31 March 2023
The PFG: Youth Postcards From Grenoble project was an opportunity for young filmmakers from all over Europe to develop their filmmaking skills and speak out on matters that concern them.
Project the INTERFILMLAB 6.0 – Warsaw has already ended
10 November 2022
We finished another edition of the INTERFILMLAB 6.0 – Warsaw. The final pitching session was held in the Andrzej Wajda Centre for Film Culture. Participants from Poland, Ukraine, France and Italy presented their film projects to a commettee of experts.
The INTERFILMLAB 6.0 – Warsaw has begun
3 November 2022
On November 2nd another edition of the INTERFILMLAB has started in the Andrzej Wajda Centre for Film Culture. This time as a part of the CINEMAFORUM festival.
Professional pitchings during the INTERFILMLAB 6.0
8 October 2022
The sixth edition of the international project – INTERFILMLAB has already ended. It is a unique training program focused on supporting young filmmakers in the process of developing transnational film projects. The series of workshops and lectures ended with a professional pitching session.
The INTERFILMLAB 6.0 workshops has already started!
4 October 2022
We have launched the INTERFILMLAB 6.0 - a series of workshops dedicated to supporting the potential export of polish cinematography on the global VoD market. We hosted young filmmakers from Norway, France and Poland in the Gallery of the Secondary School of Fine Arts in Olsztyn – the festival’s partner.
The FILMFORUM Association works for filmmakers from Ukraine
13 April 2022
The tragic events behind the eastern border have deprived the esteemed and active Ukrainian filmmakers of the opportunity to pursue their passions and professional goals. In this difficult situation, they can count on our support!
From project to pitching – the final day of the „FILM INDUSTRY LEADERS LAB” workshop!
22 November 2021
Young filmmakers from Poland, Malta, Ukraine and France took part in FILL - Film Industry Leaders Lab workshops, which culminated in pitchings of feature film projects. How did they handle this challenge?
The Polish part of “Polish-Norwegian Film Festivals Cooperation” has commenced!
7 October 2021
A group of young filmmakers has met in Olsztyn, where for the following week they will take part in workshops and lectures concerning the practicalities of building a career in the modern-day film industry.