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What’s going on in Warsaw – summary of the first stage of the project “AUDIOVISIONS – Audiovisual Creation Workshops”

What's going on in Warsaw - summary of the first stage of the project "AUDIOVISIONS - Audiovisual Creation Workshops"

In an intimate space in the Muranów district of Warsaw, participants of the “Audiovisies – Audiovisual Creation Workshops” project listened with interest to lectures given by specialists in the field of sound production in the film and experts studying the impact of sound on our everyday lives. The two-month lecture cycle has ended. In a moment – in the spring of 2020 – participants will grab microphones and cameras to create their own films.

Sight is the dominant sense in the perception of the world – both real, everyday and film-depicted. And although the main role of the image in human perception is indisputable, sound is its indispensable complement. Subconsciously raises emotions and introduces moods. It carries information about everything that happens around it – except for the frame or the field of view. Awareness of its role in everyday functioning and reception of audiovisual work is the first step to using the potential behind this means of expression.

This often underestimated acoustic layer has become the subject of interest of the organizers, implementers, lecturers and participants of the cycle of autumn lectures “Audiovisions – Audiovisual Creation Workshops”. On Tuesday autumn afternoons one could get knowledge on various aspects related to the perception of sound and the possibilities of conscious use of sound in an audiovisual work.

The event organizers invited a group of experienced specialists to participate in the project: Rafał Listopad (film editor), Dorota Nowocień (sound editor), Dr. Jacek Pająk (sound director, film expert, academic teacher), Małgorzata Romanowska (specialist in acoustic ecology) and Dorota Gałan – Niedziela (copyright expert from the Legalna Kultura Foundation).

The lectures analyzed include the process of sound editing and postproduction in a film, rules regarding the interaction of sound and image in an audiovisual work, professional sources of sound materials and aspects related to copyright were discussed, as well as theoretical issues regarding sound perception or sound identity of individual places and spaces.

The second stage of the project will take place in spring 2020. Then the youth will realize their own audiovisual works in which the sound will play a key role. Recruitment will start in February 2020.

The event is organized by the FILMFORUM Association.

The project is co-financed by the Capital City of Warsaw.

Project partners are the Shalom Foundation, the Social and Cultural Initiatives Association STACJA MURANÓW, the LEGALNA KULTURA Foundation and the Warsaw Soundscape Project.