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Malta Film Weekend is coming soon

Malta Film Weekend is coming soon

A second edition of Malta Film Weekend will take place online during the weekend of 25 – 27 September. 

This year’s edition with the slogan “Connecting through filmmaking” will be held online and is aiming to reach audiences from Malta and beyond. 

Similar to many other festivals and workshops around the world, Malta Film Foundation will be hosting its second edition of MFW online due to restrictions brought about by COVID-19.

This new approach might be a challenging experience but provides an amazing opportunity for the event to venture beyond the Maltese Islands and reach more people interested in filmmaking wherever they are. 

During the three days of MFW, we will offer open workshops available for everyone as well as meetings dedicated only for a small group of participants. 

From the comfort of your couch in Malta or maybe while on the bus in France, from the screen of your laptop or mobile phone –  with one click and Malta Film Weekend will visit you wherever you are. Just register your interest while signing up HERE and receive the event’s details first! 

For more details coming soon visit our website:

Malta Film Weekend is supported by Arts Council Malta.