
program consultant
Michał Oleszczyk, Ph.D.
Script consultant, university lecturer at the Faculty of ‘Artes Liberales’, University of Warsaw. In 2014-16, artistic director of the Polish Film Festival in Gdynia. Author of the podcast “SpoilerMaster”. As a literary manager, he has worked with Canal+ (including “Pisarze. Serial na krótko”, “The Office PL”, “Planeta Singli. Osiem historii”, “Minuta Ciszy”). Co-writer of the film “Wszystkie nasze strachy” directed by Łukasz Ronduda and Łukasz Gutt; consultant of such projects: “Hiacynt”, “Za duży na bajki”. Regular contributor to RogerEbert.com. Winner of the Krzysztof Mętrak Prize (2005) and the Polish Film Institute award (2012), nominated for the Polish Film Award in the Best Screenplay category (for “Wszystkie nasze strachy”).