The final gala of the 16th National Film Meetings KAMERALNE LATO and the accompanying FREEDOM Film Festival took place on July 8, 2023. The winners of the three competitions were announced.
The Jury of the International Short Film Competition this year included: Krzysztof Zanussi (Chairman), editor Agnieszka Glińska and actress and filmmaker Lena Góra. The jurors decided that THE PLATINUM ARCHER – Grand Prix of the International Short Film Competition and the Award of the Mayor of the City of Radom Mr. Radoslaw Witkowski in the amount of 10,000 PLN will be awarded to the film “LIVE” directed by Mary Tamkovich (production: Wajda Studio – Poland) for its touching story of human courage.

The jury also awarded an honorable mention. The film “WILD SUMMON”, directed by Karni Arieli and Saul Freed (production: Sulkybunny – UK), was distinguished for its originality of form.
The Jury of the National Short Film Competition included: film expert, critic, script consultant and lecturer Michał Oleszczyk, actress Anna Mucha and social prevention specialist Marek Świszcz. The Grand Prix of the Competition – THE GOLDEN ARCHER and the Award of the President of the City of Radom, Mr. Radoslaw Witkowski, in the amount of 10,000 PLN, awarded the film “BE SOMEBODY” directed by Michał Toczek (production: Film School in Łodź), explaining their decision with the words: For its warm and witty portrayal of an ordinary life juxtaposed with an extraordinary life; and for showing that we become true heroes through love for another human being.
Michał Toczek’s film also received the Audience Award. The awards were received by the film’s producer Agata Terpiał.

By the decision of the viewers of the 16th National Film Meetings KAMERALNE LATO, the GRAND PRIX of the HYDE PARK Film Competition went to the film “DZIEŃ DOBRY” directed by Zuzanna Klara Bardian (produced by Zuzanna Klara Bardian).
The funder of the financial prize of 1,500 PLN is REST GROUP Sp. z o.o., owner of PaTaThai restaurants in Radom and Warsaw.
The Jan Machulski Awards are one of the most prestigious projects that recognize and promote young filmmakers. The jury of the Polish National Short Film Competition (Michał Oleszczyk, Anna Mucha, Marek Świszcz) has awarded the following nominations in the 19th edition of the project:
in the “Best Director” category:
Natasza Parzymies for the film “MY OLD GALS”.
in the “Best Screenplay” category:
Natasza Parzymies, Alicja Sokół for the film “MY OLD GALS”, directed by Natasza Parzymies
In the “Best Cinematography” category:
Ignacy Kielczewski for the film “MY OLD GALS”, directed by Natasza Parzymies
In the “Best Editing” category:
Kosma Kowalczyk for the film “4PSY”, directed by Maciej Białoruski

In the “Best Actress” category:
Dorota Pomykała for the film “MY OLD GALS”, directed by Natasza Parzymies
In the “Best Actor” category:
Sebastian Stankiewicz for the film “BE SOMEBODY”, directed by Michał Toczek
In the “Best Documentary” Film category:
Mateusz Pietrak for the film “BASIA: THREE SHORT STORIES”
in the “Best Animated Film” category:
Paulina Koniuk-Fonżychowska for the film “PONOWA”
The winners will be announced at the final gala of the CINEMAFORUM Festival in November 2023.
Thank you all for your participation in the 16th National Film Meetings KAMERALNE LATO and FREEDOM Film Festival. See you in Radom next year!
The main organiser of the Polish National Filmmeetings KAMERALNE LATO is the FILMFORUM Association.
The project was co-financed with funds from the budget of the Mazovian Voivodeship as part of the Mazovian Voivodeship Programme of Prevention and Solving of Alcohol Problems and Counteracting Drug Addiction.
The project was co-financed by the City of Radom.
The project is co-financed by: Polish Film Institute, the Embassy of the United States of America in Warsaw and the Filmoteka Narodowa – Instytut Audiowizualny.
The international educational project TOGETHER is co-financed by the European Union.
The co-organisers of the event are: the Mazovia Centre for Social Policy and Radom Creative Environments Club and Gallery “ŁAŹNIA”.
Main partners of the event are: American Corner Radom, Jan Kochanowski Powszechny Theatre in Radom and Municipal Cultural Center Amphitheater.
Industry partners of the festival are: Polish Filmmakers Association, Mazovia Institute of Culture and Mazovia Warsaw Film Commission.
Educational partners are: Offener Kanal Magdeburg (Germany), Kinographe (France), Associazione Cinematografica e Culturale LABORATORIO DEI SOGNI (Italy), CinemaHall (Ukraine), Polish-American Fulbright Commission and Education USA.
The partner of the Mazovian Social Prevention Programme is Regional Police Headquarters based in Radom.
The festival’s technology partners are: CANON and Canon Professional Services (CPS).
The logistical partner of the event is KIA Plejada.
Organising partners of the event are: Pracownia Nowych Mediów, Hufiec ZHP Radom-Miasto and Mazovian Centre of Contemporary Art Elektrownia in Radom.
The official Festival Club of the 16th Polish National Film Meetings KAMERALNE LATO is PaTaThai Radom.