The FILMFORUM Group has new members! The international consortium currently associates 6 European film organisations.
On 9 July 2024, 3 institutions joined the international consortium The FILMFORUM Group:
- Malta Film Foundation (Malta),
- Stiftelsen Amandusfestivalen (Norway),
- Malfamé Association (France).

The agreement was signed by the former consortium members: Maciej Dominiak (FILMFORUM Association, Poland), Marta Karnkowska (F-NETWORK, Poland), Laura Abbaleo (Associazione Cinematografica e Culturale LABORATORIO DEI SOGNI, Italy) and the representatives of the new partner organisations: Joyce Grech (Malta Film Foundation, Malta), Eivind Nordengen (Stiftelsen Amandusfestivalen, Norway) and Walid Bekhti (Malfamé Association, France).
The main goal of The FILMFORUM Group is to develop and enhance international cooperation, to provide audiovisual education for youth, and to embrace films as a valuable form of art.