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Kameralne Lato is Waiting! Apply for Filmmaking Workshops in Radom!

The call for applications for this year’s edition of the TOGETHER – ToGetThere workshops is now open. We are waiting for applications from young film enthusiasts until 17 June 2024!

The TOGETHER – ToGetThere International Filmmaking Workshops have already become a regular feature of the KAMERALNE LATO’s programme, without which it is difficult to imagine the event. Every year, in the first week of July, young people from different parts of Europe (this time from Poland, Germany, Hungary and Italy) take over Radom, sharing their own experiences and insights about the modern world, learning the craft of filmmaking in practice and creating their own social advertisements. They are guided through the world of cinema and locations in Radom by more experienced and only slightly older filmmakers.

If you already see yourself in the above group with the eyes of your imagination, read the regulations, fill in the application form and take part in the recruitment for TOGETHER – ToGetThere. How to do it? What is the deadline for applications? Where can you find the application form? Who can qualify? And when exactly will the workshops take place? You will find all the necessary information below.

International Filmmaking Workshops TOGETHER – ToGetThere

For whom? Young people from Poland, Germany, Hungary and Italy aged 18 – 29

Deadline for submitting applications: 17 July 2024

Date of the workshops: 7-13 July 2024 (6-14 July with travel days)

Application form: Each organization from the participating countries prepares its own recruitment form. The Polish version can be found here ->



ATTENTION! A communicative level of English is required at the TOGETHER – ToGetThere workshops!

Applicants qualified for the TOGETHER workshops will be informed by email by 19 June 2024.

The organiser of the TOGETHER – ToGetThere International Filmmaking Workshops isthe FILMFORUM Association.

The TOGETHER – ToGetThere project is co-financed by the European Union.

The educational partners of TOGETHER – ToGetThere are: Offener Kanal Magdeburg (Germany), Budapest Cultural Centre (Hungary) and Associazione Cinematografica e Culturale „Laboratorio dei sogni” (Italy).

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